Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

Hot pink is to blond as _________ is to brunette

Fill in the blank!

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

light blue

auburn (it;s like a dark burnt lookin red)

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

Red or Purple :-)

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

Red or blue.

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

Hm, a turquoise blue maybe.

Or a light colored pink.

A dark red would look nice, too.

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

blue or red

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

blue or red or purple

Brunette(or light brown hair).... what is a good punk-rocker looking color strip?

honestly to me a darkish turquoise color looks nice....

there is this girl that has burnette hair and she has those color strips and next to those strips she has black strips and her hair looks awesome!

hope this helps....

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